Force Directed Layout

The layout is computed by iteration using a simulating annealing strategy.

    iterate M-times 
    foreach v in V do
        disp(v)=0; // vector containing displacement for v
        foreach u in V and u != v do
            d = v.pos - u.pos; // vector pointing from u to v
            disp(v) = disp(v) + (d/norm(d)) * fr(norm(d))  // fr is repulsive force
    foreach e in E do
        d = v.pos - u.pos; // e = {v,u}
        disp(v) = disp(v) - (d/norm(d)) * fa(norm(d))
        disp(u) = disp(u) + (d/norm(d)) * fa(norm(d))
    foreach v in V do
        /* limit max displacement to frame; use temperature t to scale */
        v.pos = v.pos + (disp(v)/norm(disp(v)) * min(t,norm(disp(v))
        /* check that node is in window, otherwise clip */
        v.pos.x = min(W/2, max(-W/2, v.pos.x))
        v.pos.y = min(L/2, max(-L/2, v.pos.y))
        t = cool(t) ; /* reduce temperature for next iteration */

Fruchterman-Reinglod, 1990

The forces acting on a node are: \[ \mathbf{f}_a = \frac{d^2}{k} \hat{\mathbf{r}} \qquad \mathbf{f}_r = \frac{-k^2}{d} \hat{\mathbf{r}} \] with distance \(d\) between the nodes, and choose \(k\) to optimize distance between nodes in the drawing area: \[ k = C \sqrt{\frac{\text{area}}{\text{nr. of vertices}}} \]

ForceAtlas2, M. Jacomy, S. Heymann, T. Venturini, and M. Basitan, 2011

Assumption: real-world graph follows a power-law distribution of degrees, i.e., many leave nodes surrounding a few highly connected nodes. This results in cluttering around these nodes. Improve visualization by making repulsive force dependent on the node's degree

Repulsion force between two nodes \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) (repulsion by degree): \[ \mathbf{f}_r = k_r \frac{(deg(n_1)+1)(deg(n_2)+1)}{d(n_1,n_2)} \]

The attracting force between two nodes \(n_1\) and \(n_2\) is \[ \mathbf{f}_a(n_1,n_2) = d(n_1,n_2) \]

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